Stupid Drawings I Put On Facebook

A big chunk of what I do for my clients is advertising on Facebook.

It’s an awesome traffic source.

You can target your best prospects so easily.

And if you set up the process right, clicks can be had for literally pennies…

Today I’m going to spill the beans on a trick that made me $12,000 last month.

It has to do with stupid drawings.

You see, on Facebook the most important key to your ad’s success is the image.

I’ve been testing all kinds of images.

A few weeks ago, the idea popped into my head to hand draw a picture that depicted the story I wanted to tell in my ad.

It worked like gangbusters!

I’ve had click through rates on ads using these stupid pictures as high as 9%…

…and if you know anything about Facebook ads, that’s insanely high.

And the higher your CTR, the lower your cost per click gets 🙂

This all has resulted in clicks for $0.06 and leads for
about $2.

Turned 3 of those leads into $12,000 in client payments.

I put this stuff together for my clients.

And run it all for them.

If that’s something you’re interested in…

…we should talk.

All you have to do is apply for a 30 minute marketing strategy session using the link below.


To the victor belong the spoils,
