How to Make More Money by Selling Less

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”

– Peter Drucker

If you don’t know who Peter Drucker is, he’s the man who essentially invented the  modern corporation.

He’s written several books.

And is considered the most influential business expert of all time…

So his words carry some weight 🙂

Most business owners I talk to have really terrible marketing.

The reason is they don’t really know who their customer is.

They use general terms.

Like “business owners”.

Or “consumers”.

When they advertise they use general messaging litter with platitudes trying to cast a wide net that appeals to everyone.

Which is why it doesn’t work.

And it’s why they have to sell more and sell harder to get deals done…

Wanna make more money and sell less?

Get down and dirty to find out specifically who your best customers are.

You’ll find out they have a LOT in common.

Then you can craft marketing messages that address the problems your market faces…

…showing how your product or service uniquely solves those problems.

That’s what makes a good fit.

Like Drucker said, with a good fit, the product or service sells itself.

Look, I realize you probably don’t have the time or inclination to do all this yourself.

That’s where I come in.

This is what I love to do.

And it’s the first part of the process I go through with my clients when we are executing on their marketing strategy.

I can show you a specific strategy for your product or service that will do the majority of selling for you.

All you have to do is get a marketing strategy session with me on the next page:


To the victor belong the spoils,
